So here we are on the last day! Life, work and study have all conspired to prevent me from posting for a couple of days but I’ve been soldiering on. Food wise I’ve more or less been recycling recipes from earlier on in the challenge and sticking to very similar breakfasts and lunches so there’s not been a lot of excitement. I did have a nice pork chop with brussels sprouts and garlic the other night for dinner which was really nice and it meant that I managed to get 19 of the top 20 diuretic foods into the fortnight. Artichoke is the only one that I’ve failed on but it will make it into my eating plan in the future.

Tomorrow I weigh and measure and feedback on improvements I’ve seen since I embarked on the challenge. So I’m looking forward to that.

For now though a little flick through of the foods I’ve eaten and a reminder of how I incorporated them into my new healthy eating habit.

Thank you for dropping in… next challenge starts on Saturday!